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HSRI Receives $1.2 Million to Research Health Impacts From Vehicle-Related Air Pollution

September 28, 2021

UC Merced's Health Sciences Research Institute (HSRI) has been awarded a $1.2 million grant to study the effects of vehicle emissions on public health and the environment. This award is part of a $10 million program by the California Department of Justice to support research on the effects of vehicle emissions on human health.

HSRI, in partnership with the Stockton nonprofit organization Little Manila Rising, received the award to address the health impacts in the San Joaquin Valley. Specifically, the funds from the Automobile Emissions Research and Technology Fund grant will be used to launch a mobile air quality laboratory and health assessment clinic; deploy community air quality monitoring networks in Stockton and Fresno by installing 125 new PurpleAir monitors; and establish a permanent community-university air quality research and clinical center at UC Merced...